Beautifully Hand Crafted

Technically Advanced
Web Development // Tailored to Your Needs
With Passion
Services / Or what we can do for you
Website Creation
Beautiful and elegant websites like this one. Build using a ready-made design template or a custom one from your favorite designer. Running on top of a lightweight CMS so you can maintain the content yourself.
Application Development
Complex, database driven applications, build with the help of advanced web frameworks like Ruby on Rails. Connected to other systems via web services.
Managed Hosting
We can provide fully managed hosting for your websites or applications. Including backups, maintenance and monitoring. With a Service Level Agreement tailored to your needs.
Looking for an alternative to hosting your own IBM/Lotus Domino servers? We can help there too.
Data Conversion
Looking for a way to get your precious data out of, or into, an IBM/Lotus Domino or Notes application? We’ve got over a decade of experience working with this document-based database.

Hi! I’m Thimo Jansen, a 48 year old developer who has been making websites and business applications since the early days of Netscape.
In 2009 I started my career as a full time freelancer. Before that I’ve spend years developing websites and business applications, help teams of developers work greatly together and made sure there was a stable hosting environment to run our web applications in.
You can read more about my professional history in my profile on LinkedIn or follow me on Twitter.